Ways to donate

We are 501(c)(3) organization.Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations

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    Recurring Donations

    Recurring donations help us to plan our work in advance. If you can allocate and donate a certain amount every week/month, please consider doing so. We greatly appreciate your support. 🙏

Support a Fundraiser


Select a fundraiser to support! Our fundraisers are updated based on urgent needs! Join us today and become a driving force for positive change where it is needed the most.

General Donation


These donations will be distributed to cover projects with the highest priority, meaning those that have the greatest potential to benefit the most people or have the highest level of urgency. 



Saved Dreams Inc



Saved Dreams Inc


Gear for Ukraine

You can send your tactical gear and body armor to protect defenders of Ukraine

Donate Supplies

Order the necessary supplies and we will take care of the delivery to Ukraine. We are accepting donations of any amount to support our cause. Your contribution will make an important difference in the lives of those in Ukraine.  

Where to deliver supplies to:

Help Razom, 2680 W Lake St, Melrose Park, IL 60160,
+1 (312) 975-5988

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